Living Streets News

13 May 2024

Beat cabin fever with a daily walk

Beat cabin fever with a daily walk: walking-8

Do you feel restless after staying home all day? You could be suffering from ‘cabin fever’

A new survey* for Mental Health Awareness Week (13-19 May), has found that a fifth (22%) of people either spend no time, or spend less than 20 minutes a day walking. When people who walk didn’t leave the house, they reported feeling “restless” (37%), “less fit” (36%) and “irritable” (28%) in the survey commissioned by Living Streets, the UK’s everyday walking charity.

Dame Jane Roberts, doctor and psychiatrist said:

“It may sound made up, but cabin fever is very real. Rather than being a mental illness, it’s a common condition that arises from the feelings of being alone and cooped up a confined space. Once we start to feel stuck, our mind latches onto other negative emotions to make us feel that things will only get worse.”

How do you know if you’re experiencing cabin fever? According to Dr Jane, a telltale sign is when you become irritable or anxious over small things that wouldn’t normally trouble you. Other signs may include fatigue or tiredness, sleeplessness, boredom, restlessness, a wandering mind, and difficulty focusing.

The good news is that regularly getting out of the house – ideally every day – will help you shake off cabin fever. This May, Living Streets is encouraging people to walk for 20 minutes every day as part of their National Walking Month. Even a 20-minute walk increases our mental alertness, energy and positive mood, according to research.[1]

Getting out for a walk or another form of exercise can also increase self-esteem and reduce stress and anxiety. It also plays a role in preventing the development of mental health problems and in improving the quality of life of people experiencing mental health problems.

To find out more, visit or search social media with the hashtags #Try20 and #MagicOfWalking


[1] Mental Health Foundation, 2023

Contact Information

Rowan Dent
Media and PR Coordinator
Living Streets
+44 20 3832 9087

Notes to editors

About the data

* All figures, unless otherwise stated, are from YouGov Plc. Total sample size was 2,022 adults, of which 1,903 said they spend time walking. Fieldwork was undertaken between 17th - 18th April 2024. The survey was carried out online. The figures have been weighted and are representative of all GB adults (aged 18+).

About National Walking Month 

National Walking Month is organised by Living Streets, the UK charity for everyday walking. This year, Living Streets are encouraging people to #Try20 - and walk for 20 minutes each day during May to discover the magic of walking.

To find out more about National Walking Month, visit 

About Living Streets 

We are Living Streets, the UK charity for everyday walking. Our mission is to achieve a better walking environment and to inspire people of all generations to enjoy the benefits of walking. 

Our campaigning led to the UK’s first zebra crossings and speed limits. Now our campaigns and local projects deliver real change to overcome barriers to walking and our groundbreaking initiatives such as the world’s biggest Walk to School campaign encourage millions of people to walk. 
