Living Streets News

01 May 2024

Over half of Brits walk to improve their mental health

Over half of Brits walk to improve their mental health: IMG 6464
  • New research for Living Streets’ National Walking Month reveals 54% of people who walk say it’s to improve their mental health and happiness 
  • Over 53% of respondents say they walk to move more 
  • 40% said they feel anxious, irritable, or lonely after staying at home the entire day
  • A fifth (22%) say they don’t have enough time to go for a walk 

A new survey* commissioned by Living Streets, the UK charity for everyday walking, has found that over half of the population (54%) who walk say they do so to improve their mental health and happiness. Other reasons included “to get fresh air” (57%), “it gets me moving more” (53%) and to “connect with nature” (28%).

A daily walk can reduce a person’s risk of developing heart disease, stroke, and cancer, as well as improving fitness in the long run[1]. It’s also one of the easiest ways to socialise and stay connected to our community, helping us feel less lonely and isolated.

That’s why this May, Living Streets is encouraging people to #Try20 and walk for 20 minutes each day as part of National Walking Month.

While walking is a proven way to improve mental and physical wellbeing, it’s clear that many people aren’t doing it often enough. As part of a YouGov survey conducted by Living Streets, a fifth (22%) of walking Brits say they spend less than 20 minutes walking in an average day, even though 40% say they feel “anxious, irritable, or lonely” after spending an entire day at home. 36% of survey respondents also said they feel “less fit” after just one day without leaving the house.

Dame Jane Roberts, a doctor, child psychiatrist and Chair of Living Streets, said:

“With the UK in the grip of a mental health crisis, it’s encouraging to hear that so many of us walk to feel happier. Research shows people who are active through walking report higher levels of mental wellbeing and feel happier and less anxious – that’s the magic of walking.

“As well as the physical benefits, walking can really help us switch off from the pressures of modern life. It’s a great way to spend time with friends and family – and to meet new people – helping reduce feelings of loneliness and isolation.

“Even a short, brisk walk can have wonderful mental and physical health benefits that we shouldn’t take for granted – and just 20 minutes a day can have a really positive impact.”

Living Streets is urging people to invite others to join them for a walk while they complete the #Try20 challenge for National Walking Month 2024 and discover the magic of walking.

To find out more, visit or search social media with the hashtags #Try20 and #MagicOfWalking


[1] A University of Cambridge study from 2023 found that a daily walk can prevent one in 10 early deaths, as well as improving fitness, sleep and heart health in the long run. A fast-paced short walk is enough to reduce the risk of developing heart disease and stroke by 17% and cancer by 7%, the findings suggest. 

Contact Information

Rowan Dent
Media and PR Coordinator
Living Streets
+44 20 3832 9087

Notes to editors

A range of images are available at this link (password: nwm24)

About the data

All figures, unless otherwise stated, are from YouGov Plc. Total sample size was 2,022 adults, of which 1,903 said they spend time walking. Fieldwork was undertaken between 17th - 18th April 2024. The survey was carried out online. The figures have been weighted and are representative of all GB adults (aged 18+).

Dogs walk more than dads: 83% of dog owners vs 69% of dads walk more than 20 mins a day.

Women are twice as likely as men to say they are too busy to go for a walk: 37% of women aged 25-44 say they are too busy to go for a walk, compared with 19% of men of any age.

A fifth of young people don’t have anyone to walk with: 18% of people aged 18-24 say they don’t have anyone to go for a walk with.

About National Walking Month 

National Walking Month is organised by Living Streets, the UK charity for everyday walking. This year, Living Streets are encouraging people to #Try20 - and walk for 20 minutes each day during May to discover the magic of walking.

To find out more about National Walking Month, visit 

About Living Streets 

We are Living Streets, the UK charity for everyday walking. Our mission is to achieve a better walking environment and to inspire people of all generations to enjoy the benefits of walking. 

Our campaigning led to the UK’s first zebra crossings and speed limits. Now our campaigns and local projects deliver real change to overcome barriers to walking and our groundbreaking initiatives such as the world’s biggest Walk to School campaign encourage millions of people to walk. 
